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Games I've Worked On

Knockout City
(PC & Consoles)


Worked with Velan Studios designing gameplay content for Knockout City. Previously served as QA analyst on the in-house engine/tools, Knockout City customization, and Knockout City gameplay. Videos include more information about my role(s).

Mario Kart Live: Home
Circuit (Nintendo Switch)


Worked with Velan Studios testing the in-house engine and tools responsible for creating Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit.

Shadow of War
(Console & PC)


Worked with WBNY testing the backend systems for all versions of Middle-Earth: Shadow of War. Regularly in contact with the team at Monolith Productions.

Injustice 2
(Mobile, PC, Consoles)


Worked with WBNY testing the backend systems for all versions of Injustice 2. Regularly in contact with the team at Netherrealm Studios.

Mad Max
(PC & Consoles)


Worked with WB Games Boston (formerly Turbine) on WBPlay as an engineering intern.

MegaloMalady (Mobile)

Joined the team that made the game to help polish and push it towards release. Fixed bugs, refactored old code, and implemented new features. These features include: a system that allows players to purchase multiple symptoms at once, and various in-app purchase bonuses.

Cat Tsunami (Mobile)

Joined the team later in development to help bring it closer to release. Fixed bugs and refactored old code. Worked with other team members to upgrade to Unity 4.6 and the Canvas System. Replaced all OnGUI() code, and reworked the UI elements in inspector to use the Canvas system

© 2023 by Tyler Trulson

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